The Private Notes of a Soviet Engineer Who Reverse-Engineered a UFO
Engineering Infinity:
Earth’s First Interstellar Blueprint
During the Cold War, a Soviet engineer was tasked with an extraordinary mission: to reverse-engineer and uncover the secrets of a real UFO. His translated private notes, now revealed for the first time, provide a detailed account of the reverse-engineering process, offering groundbreaking insights into interstellar propulsion, time manipulation, and gravitational secrets.
Weeks before his passing in 2019, Valerijs Černohajev sent a mysterious series of documents to his daughter, Natalja Černohajeva, an international opera singer. She only began to explore the documents after his death. What she discovered sparked a four-year journey with her husband and a friend to translate her father's work and unlock its extraordinary revelations, which are shared plainly in this book.
The technology outlined in this book has also created the foundation of Stratis Space and ExoIndustrial Technologies. With 22 patents-pending, this is no work of science fiction.